Contact a Personal Injury Attorney – Must Watch Video
When you are injured in an auto accident, on the job site or anywhere else, you should contact a personal injury attorney. Watch the video above to learn more about why.
If there is an attorney who's willing to take your claim, you are probably going to be better off having an attorney representing you in that claim.
Normally there is no charge to reaching out and talking to a personal injury or a wrongful death attorney so I think it's highly advisable if a person has a claim or they think that they might have a claim, they should reach out and make a phone call to an attorney. They're going to get some feedback from the attorney that's not going to cost them anything. It's going to probably really steer them in the right direction.
It may be that they don't have a claim that the attorney is interested in handling, but even in that case I've been on hundreds if not thousands of those kinds of phone calls and I try to, even if it's a case that I know that I'm not going to take, I try to point the person in the right direction. I can't give them legal advice if I'm not their attorney, but still I want to make them aware of what some of the options are out there. It's a good idea to call an attorney. You're actually going to get some free advice on that initial phone call.
Do you need an attorney? You may not. The issues that are involved may be very small. There may be a very small amount of money that's at stake so you don't need an attorney for that or they may be very simple so you don't need an attorney for that reason.
I would hasten to add that sometimes issues aren't as simple as they first appear and sometimes the value of a case is not immediately apparent. I've had a number of cases where I begin my representation of the client and I really don't know what the value of the case is going to be because there's so many variables out there. I don't know what's going to happen in terms of the liability case and I don't know what's going to happen in terms of the client's damages.
I might have a client that at the outset appears to have an injury that they're going to recover from fairly quickly, but a year later they're still having significant problems and they're on their second surgery. Obviously, the damages picture changes very much based on how the case develops.
Cases where you don't need an attorney, yeah, they are definitely out there. Particularly if you're only concerned about things like property damage, getting your vehicle fixed. If there's not an injury there, usually it's not a case than an attorney is going to get involved in.
End Transcript
If you've been injured and want to know if you have a case, please contact us today! Our team is standing by to help you with your claim.
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