AZ Hotel Rape Case Update
Legislation Passes Panel for Background Checks at AZ Hotels

On Feb 16th, 2015 the Arizona Senate passed a bill inspired by the lawsuit brought forward by Cluff Law over the rape of a hotel guest in 2011.
As reported in the East Valley Tribune:
“The bill, SB 1432, would require hotels, boarding houses, inns, apartment complexes, and motels in Arizona to search state and federal sex offender registries before hiring an employee. An employee who is a registered sex offender would be barred from access to a lodger's room or access to keys for those rooms.”

In this case the perpetrator was a known sex offender yet the hotel still hired him and gave him a master key with access to every room in the hotel.
This is Jason Brown, a convicted sex offender responsible for raping at a women in a Mesa Arizona Hotel.
We have posted a video of Brigham Cluff explaining the case and feedback has continuously been: “How can something like this happen?” followed by exasperation that no criminal charges have yet been filed against the assailant.
We urge anyone with information on Jason Brown or the case involving Best Western to contact our office at 480-325-1198. Thank you.
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