Summary: What is Your Case Worth?
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Hello. My name is Brigham Cluff. I am an attorney with the law firm of Cluff and Cluff. I'd like to talk to you a little bit today about analyzing how much your case is worth.
Back to the question. How much is my case worth? You have to prove liability and you have to prove damages. You need both of those portions of the case. To some extent they impact one another. If the liability in your case arises out of some really gross negligence or some conduct on the part of the defendant that makes people angry or that's outrageous then you are likely to be able to generate some real passion in the jury for awarding some damages to the plaintiff in that case.
On the other hand, if you've got a case where there's a matter of simple negligence, you don't have a defendant that was trying to hurt a plaintiff, it happened by accident, then you're probably not going to have the same kind of passion from the jury, but in that case, it's even more important to make the jury understand that there are real damages in this case. Your attorney is going to be able to evaluate the value of your case once your attorney has a good understanding of how strong the liability case is and how strong the damages case is. All of that takes work.
It takes work to build the liability of the case, to prove liability on the part of the defendant and it takes even more work to prove the damages case, to get that case ready to present. It can make an enormous impact on the value of the case.
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