Learn more about Brigham Cluff and why he practices serious and personal injury law in Arizona.
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My name is Brigham Cluff. I don't remember a time in my life when I wasn't planning on being a lawyer.
I grew up here in Arizona. In fact, I was thinking about this just the other day. I think that I am a fifth-generation Arizonan. Just about the only people that have been here longer than my family maybe are Native Americans. I think if you've been here more than 10 years you're considered a native so. We got that be considerably.
Grew up here in Arizona, went to Gilbert high school. Then I went off to college at BYU where I got my undergraduate degree. I later went to Arizona State University College of Law, graduated from there in 2001. I have been practicing law here in Arizona ever since.
My career has involved in the early part of my career lots of commercial litigation and also a fair amount of transactional work as well. Quite a bit of real estate, business disputes, business formations, documenting, various types of commercial transactions.
Over the last several years my practice has geared more towards serious personal injury and wrongful death litigation, and that is the type of law practice that really I grew up around because my father did that kind of legal work while I was a growing up and I was working at his firm. I was analyzing personal injury and wrongful death cases probably since about the age of seven, being a sounding board and just listening to what was going on around the office.
My firm now is Cluff & Cluff. I've partnered with my father David Cluff and he has for his entire career done high end personal injury and wrongful death litigation with a particular focus in medical malpractice. He's obtained some outstanding results in that area of law.
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